Friday, June 23, 2006

Friday 23rd June: Day 2

The sun is out and the drive home was OK. I am calm . This is quite rare ; I am naturally a pretty stressy , tense sort of a person. As I sit in front of the telly and take the few short moments to empty my mind I feel quite serene . This is in stark contrast with how I will probably be tomorrow morning when I play tennis against a friend of mine, Tim . He is far better than me so I am pleased he asked me to play .

I'm looking forward to France vs Togo tonight . The tournament needs France , but I can't help thinking an upset would be good fun . I am not a football fan , but I have to admit the World Cup really captures the imagination . If Ronaldo gets going Brazil will be tough to beat .

Ofcourse for me the big sports event of the month is Wimbledon , and living quite close to the tournament is good fun . A swiss player called Stanislas Wawrinka just walked past the window . To most sane people that would be an unremarkable happening, but to me thats a big deal .

Being Friday , it's fish for dinner tonight . I've been doing weightwatchers (online) for a few months and have lost about 2 1/2 st . Eating is a constant battle for me . I love food and Mrs.F is pretty handy in the kitchen , so I have to be careful .

I gotta go now and watch the tennis from Nottingham I've Sky +'ed.

Sad? You ain't seen nothin' yet!


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